In the first month the baby will be looking at things around her and she’ll react by gurgling and may even give a smile. Each progress at their own pace but you’ll see changes as the months go on.
At 2 months, the baby (let’s call her Tiggy) is now giving little grinning toothless smiles, and all the hard work of feeding, getting up in the night and nappy changing has now been worth it.
At 3 months Tiggy will be interacting well with you, and knows your smiling face and tries to fathom out other people.
At 4 months Tiggy has now learned to push ups from leaning on her tummy, and does this by lifting her head and trying mini push ups. All of this helps Tiggy strengthen her muscles and gives a great view of the world around her.
At 5 months Tiggy is making new sounds in her unique language. She loves blowing bubbles and making raspberry sounds in her mouth. Tiggy now knows where a sound is coming from and knows her name and understands her Mum’s voice and loves it when Mum sounds happy.
At 6 months this is a real milestone, as Tiggy can now sit up and roll over and is having a lot of fun exploring the world around her.
From 7 months Tiggy can now shake bang , squeeze and drop a toy or object. She shows real interest in certain things and has fun finding out what really amuses her. Also read, Baby toys for girls
8 Months will see Tiggy crawling and she will make straight for toys and objects that take her fancy.
From 9 to 12 months Tiggy will probably be standing and able to walk around a chair before taking her first steps, and then it’s not long before she can walk by herself. She will play with toys and amuse herself and word like sounds are being heard. You can both chat away in talk that eventually becomes meaningful.
Hooray, I can walk!
By 12 months, Tiggy can usually walk and it’s such an exciting time as the single biggest milestone of a child’s life is learning to walk. Crawling and grabbing onto furniture usually takes place first in an attempt to walk, and then finally they’re almost ready. Hold hands and let the child progress one step at a time, then usually unaided he/she will suddenly just take those first precious steps.
The first year is crammed full of milestone’s and you’ll look back and appreciate it was all worth those early couple of months when all you seemed to do was feeding, changing, and getting up during the night. If you can, keep a record of the events, even quick notes to go alongside photos, as the child will no doubt ask questions when older and it’s good to be able to tell them at what age they achieved which milestone.
No two babies are the same
Of course you’ll want to compare and chat about your child and the various milestone’s achieved when meeting others mum’s, and it’s all part of bringing up your child, but do remember your child is unique and will develop at a different pace. Don’t worry if dear little Johnny is talking sensibly and your child isn’t.
Some may not talk properly until much later on; some may not walk until well after the first year. It doesn’t matter at all, and you shouldn’t be worried.
As long as you’re in touch with your health clinic on development status in your child everything will progress at its own pace.